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to moment. Maybe the ability to constantly renew itself through the varying
action of the falls allows it to elude the effect of the Mundurucu hex."
"I suppose that makes sense, of a sort." Turning from the rollicking, booming
torrent to face her, Cezer smiled expectantly. "So--how do we capture some of
it and carry it back with us to the forest? Or anywhere else, for that
Oskar taunted his companion. "You once told me that, given a clear shot at it,
you could catch anything in your paws."
The younger man held up his human hands. "In my claws, long-face." He
indicated his blunt human nails. "With these I would be lucky to catch
Mamakitty had been giving the matter some thought. "Ever since we left the
Fasna Wyzel we have been within a day's walk of pond, or stream, or town. So
we don't really need these heavy water bags. We can empty them out and use
them to catch and carry rainbow."
"I'm all for that." Samm grunted approvingly. Which was not surprising, since
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he was carrying nearly all the water and the bulk of their supplies by
himself. The weight would have been better distributed if he had been able to
crawl. Traveling upright had disadvantages as well, he mused.
"Why, what a fine idea!" Cezer gestured expansively into the gorge. "We'll
just stroll over to that vaporous band of blurry light, pluck colors from it
the way Master Evyndd's visiting help used to pick grapes from his vines, and
stuff them in our water bags." His voice dropped to a huskily sardonic, but
nonetheless still attractive, murmur. "There's nothing to it. All we need to
do is figure out how to catch light with our bare hands."
"If anyone can do that, a cat can." Pushing past him, a determined Cocoa
followed Mamakitty down into the bushes that lined the canyon. Lilting
fragrances from the flowers they disturbed rose up toward the road. Color
might have vanished from the world, but there was still sweet fragrance
Oskar clapped Cezer on the back. "Come on, fuzzball. Let's see if you can keep
your dainty costume spotless while slogging and sliding down through soggy
vegetation and muddy hillsides."
Tugging at first one lace-trimmed sleeve and then the other, the younger man
sniffed haughtily. "With the greatest of ease, my rough-hewn friend. Watch,
and marvel at natural grace at work."
Samm and Taj followed behind them. "Those two have always argued, no matter
what kind of body they happened to be occupying. Up in my cage, I was able to
see and hear everything."
"Lucky you, living in a penthouse." Unable to fit between two trees, Samm
simply shoved one aside. Upturned roots bled mud and worms as it crashed to
the ground. "As for myself, I find I quite like this new perspective."
"We're all going to have get used to these new forms if we're going to fulfill
Master Evyndd's last wish." Taj hopped nimbly over a small stream. "And stop
staring at me like that! You're making the back of my neck burn."
"Sorry." The giant contritely shifted his gaze.
It was not an easy descent, but by relying on their natural instincts they
crossed obstacles and surmounted barriers that would have given even very
agile humans pause. By nightfall they had reached the base of the cataract.
While the perpetual mist that rose from the water-worn rocks at the bottom of
the falls did not bother Samm--much less Taj and Oskar, who reveled in it--the
other members of their party were adamant about finding a drier place to spend
the night. A small rocky overhang surrounded by dense vegetation provided the
shelter they were looking for. Close at hand, falling water plunged earthward
behind the diffuse arc of muted color that was the rainbow they had come to
Somewhat to everyone's surprise but to Cocoa's especial delight, Oskar
proceeded to make a fire. Their amazement surprised him. "If you'd watched as
many of these being built as I have, you'd understand." While he tended to the
comforting blaze, the rest of them set about gathering the driest plant matter
they could find with which to fashion temporary bedding.
"In the morning," Mamakitty announced, "we'll start working on how we're going
to capture some of that colored light to bring back home with us. If empty
water bags won't serve, we'll think of something else. Once we've gathered our
fill of color, we can seek out other masters like our Evyndd. They will know
best how to spread it through the Gowdlands and beat back this hex of the
"I don't think the water bags will work. I still think we need a special kind
of container. Something that will hold anything." For once, Cezer was not
being sarcastic.
"I wonder if we could make something?" Taj mused.
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