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feel about having a new father? Well, a step-father anyway.
Are you two getting married?
Bart has asked me to marry him. Do you mind me putting someone
else in your father s place?
I ll look after your mom, Madison. You don t need to worry about
Madison moved around to the far side of the breakfast bar and
hugged her mother and dropped a light kiss on Bart s cheek. I know you
will, Bart, and I think it s great. Dad was gone by the time I was ten and
my earlier memories of him aren t so terrific. She grinned at Rosa. I m
glad you found someone who could make you happy, Mom.
Oh, he does that. Rosa chuckled as she reached out and grasped
Bart s hand. Anyone who can put up with my crazy antics has to be
perfect. Why, he s even agreed to go back to that sleazy motel and play
John Wayne for me.
Too much information. Madison tried not to laugh. So when is this
momentous event going to take place?
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We re going shopping for an engagement ring today. Rosa held out
her left hand and waved it about.
Mother, how on earth are you going to fit another ring on that
hand? Madison could no longer control it. She started to laugh. Every
finger, even the thumbs, of her mother s hands sported at least two
glittering rings. She couldn t ever remember seeing her mother without
her overabundance of costume jewelry.
Oh, these aren t necessary. Rosa cast a beaming glance at her new
fiancé. The only ring I ll wear from now on is Bart s. At least on this
hand. She wiggled the fingers of her left hand at Bart before she faced
her daughter again. So when are you free?
Free? Madison shook her head. Sorry, you ve lost me there.
Bart s son is home for extended leave. We haven t told him yet. Bart
is going to do that tonight. We thought we d all get together and go out
for dinner, get to know each other. After all, we re going to be a family
I d like that. Just let me know when so I can clear my diary.
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Big social life, eh, Madison? Bart said, his hands lingering on
Rosa s shoulders in a light caress.
A new social life, she corrected, her mind immediately going off at a
tangent. Thoughts of Jake filled her head. As she watched the interaction
between the older couple, she realized she wanted the same. She didn t
just want a baby by the time she was thirty. She hungered for the whole
lot a cozy home, a husband who loved her to distraction, a child an
extension of that love but only with Jake.
She mentally pulled herself up. Hang on there, when had that
happened? After Clifton, the mere thought should have scared the life
out of her, but somehow it didn t. It left her with a warm, squishy
sensation deep inside. But what about Jake? How did he feel? Maybe she
could convince him to give up the stud business and all those other
women and concentrate only on her.
Looks like you found the right stud, Bart said as he looked around
the living room.
Huh? His words dragged her out of her daydream. What
See you ve got your paintings up. Most important to find the stud to
hang them off. Can t get into any trouble then.
For a moment, Madison had forgotten the beams behind the
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wallboards were called studs. Oh, yeah, I found the right stud. She
grinned, enjoying her private joke. She turned to help her mother down
off the barstool. Bart, do you mind if I borrow Mom for a moment? I
need some advice.
Girlie stuff, eh? Bart laughed. No, you two ladies go right ahead. I ll
get on with the inspection.
Rosa grasped Madison s hand and dragged her off to the bedroom,
closing the door on the rest of the cottage. She perched herself on the
bed, legs tucked up under her as she faced her daughter. Come on,
baby girl, give me all the dirty details.
Mom, you re incorrigible. Madison chuckled as she hugged her
mother. Don t ever change, will you?
Yeah, I love you too, sweetie, Rosa said, returning the hug. But
let s get down to the nitty gritty. I thought you were going to swallow your
tongue when Bart asked about your stud.
Madison couldn t help but laugh at her mother s avid expression.
Yeah, it took me a moment to work out what he was on about. And as
far as my stud goes, I have no intention of telling you all the details. She
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lay back on the bed and lifted her hands above her head, stretching like
a contented cat. Suffice it to say, I don t think I m frigid.
Told you so, Rosa crowed. Clifton was just selfish in bed, more
interested in his own satisfaction than yours. So have you done it yet?
Mother. Madison sat up and laughed. I m not going into that, but I
do want your advice. We re going out to dinner tonight, somewhere flash.
Help me choose a dress. Something that will knock his socks off.
Oh, that s easy. Rosa headed for the built-in wardrobe. She
disappeared inside and when she re-emerged, she clutched a coat hanger
from which a black dress hung. What about this one? I knew it was
perfect when I bought it for you, but you ve never worn it.
Madison took the dress from her mother and posed in front of the
mirror, the garment held in front of her. The fabric was soft and slinky, a
shiny black, the hem brushing the floor. She d have to wear her new high
heels. Something Clifton would never have allowed her to do.
Try it on, baby girl.
Madison slipped off her light summer shift, pulled the black dress
over her head and held still while her mother zipped it up. She stared at
her image in the mirror. The gown clung like a second skin. Her pale
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pink bra straps showed where the top cut away over her shoulders, and
she could see a definite panty line when she twisted her body,. The split
in the left side of the dress ended at the top of her thigh.
Too much, you think? She watched the split separate every time
she moved.
Never. It s perfect for a fancy dinner and it s sure to turn any guy
on. Rosa tilted her head on the side. Mind you, you need to get rid of
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