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Ramsay sat quietly as she fumbled to unbutton her pajama top, keeping the edges
together until she took a deep breath and turned her back to him. She slid the fabric from
her shoulders, exposing her breasts and the extent of the scarring. The whole mess was on
show for him to see. The doctors had been good at repairing the damage, but expensive
plastic surgery had never been something they had been able to afford.
Oh, Ainslie& Ramsay gasped hoarsely as he looked at her back.
Okay, there it was, as expected, the gasp of horror. Fine, whatever, it was hard for
some people to handle. She started to pull up her top to cover her back. I know it s ugly
Ramsay stilled her hands, leaving her mottled skin exposed. No, only in your mind
it is.
Ainslie was surprised at his words. Really? He didn t find her ugly? How could that
be? Was he just being nice?
May I touch you?
Um& No one had ever wanted to before. She nodded in confusion at this strange
turn of events. As his hands moved over her disfigured skin she sighed softly at the thrill
of pleasure that coursed through her. Ramsay, I
Your skin is so warm and smooth. How far does the scarring go?
Down to the small of my back. That s why I never undressed fully with you. It was
better he knew the full extent of the damage. When she felt his mouth on her shoulder,
she flinched. Don t& It was exactly what she needed and dreamed of, but Ainslie was
scared to accept it for fear of it eventually being pulled away from her.
I want to, Ramsay murmured between the soft, wet kisses he placed on her
wounded back. I need to.
Ainslie shook and choked back a sob. How did this sweet man stumble into her path
so suddenly?
Am I making you cry again? he murmured against her skin.
No. She was about to howl like a baby in a moment.
He turned her around toward him. Ramsay cupped her face in his hands. Why are
you crying, darlin ?
I don t know. She hadn t cried in the longest time, not since her mother had died.
You re so&
Sweet and loving and sexy. I want to eat you up. Who are you? She looked at him
in wonder. Where have you been all my life?
I am the man for you. Ramsay s mouth descended on hers and he kissed her
hungrily as he gently stroked her back. He broke the kiss to gaze into her eyes. You re
beautiful, Ainslie.
I m not. She wasn t blind. She looked in her mirror every day. Ainslie knew she
was at best average.
You re so bloody stubborn. His mouth sought hers again and he pushed her back
on the bed. If I say you re beautiful, then you are. I never lie about things that are
important to me.
Ainslie looked at him in amazement. Really? She wanted to believe him. This was
like a dream she never wanted to wake up from. Excellent sex and a man who understood
her. May every woman be so lucky.
Oh hell, yes. Ramsay growled as his hands worked at removing her pajamas until
she was bared to his gaze.
Wait. She caught his hands just before they descended on her breasts.
Um, well
What? Do you think this is a pity fuck? Ramsay looked on in disbelief when she
half nodded. He rolled Ainslie over and slapped her ass.
Hey! Three stinging blows landed one after the other. Stop it!
He spanked her once more. When you accept what we have.
What is that? Slap.
That we re damn good together. Slap.
Are we, James Bond? Ainslie was no longer arguing the fact. She just liked the
feel of his hand on her ass.
Yes. Once more Ramsay spanked her. Ainslie moaned. He smiled. You like
Maybe. Domination could be interesting. Ramsay slapped her twice more but each
time his fingers lingered on her butt. She sighed. Okay, yes.
Your butt is pretty pink. Ramsay leaned in to kiss each cheek before moving up
her body so his chest was against her back. Do you need me, darlin ?
Yes. Do you need me? Ainslie wanted to believe the sweet man who made her feel
so good. Please don t let this be a dream.
Yes. Ramsay s mouth nuzzled at her shoulder.
If you don t have me?
I ll cry.
Ainslie giggled. A big strong man like you?
You make me weak.
Good to know. She was rewarded with one last slap to her rear.
Thank you.
Those two simple words caught at her heart. For the first time in forever the urge to
belong with someone gripped her. Take your clothes off, James Bond. I need you inside
me now. She sat back and howled with laughter as Ramsay all but fell off the bed in his
haste to get naked.
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