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game to continue. I don t want to come too soon.
I didn t say you could come, so don t worry. Largo dropped the belt and took a seat
on the sofa. You still want us to stop talking?
Yes. Rosemary lowered to her knees and crawled to him.
Give us a good reason.
Rosemary unzipped his jeans. He wasn t wearing any boxers, which meant she was
immediately gifted with his hard, proud dick, straining towards her of its own accord. She
took it in her hand.
What about Wylie? Largo said, trying to steady his tone while she got a firm grip on
You tell him what to do. Rosemary covered the head of his dick with her lips, teasing
the little slit with the tip of her tongue.
Spank her, Wylie, let s see if you have a taste for it. Largo slouched and thrust his
hips forward, pushing himself past Rosemary s lips.
Wylie knelt behind her and covered her tight ass with his hands. His hands left her and
he slapped one cheek. Not hard enough, but close. Rosemary s thighs shook as she took
Largo in all the way, tasting the salt of him, lifting her ass to encourage Wylie to continue.
He did, slapping the other cheek, then both, a little harder each time. Then he covered
her pussy with his hand and moaned. She s so wet.
She loves it. Largo latched onto her hair and slammed her down on him.
Rosemary swallowed to stall her gag reflex, sucking upwards slowly, hissing when
Wylie shoved his fingers inside her. His hands were big, filled her so nicely, but with her
mouth full of Largo she could only picture something bigger coming into her, driving in until
it felt like their bodies would touch inside her.
Wylie s thumb passed over her clit and he fucked her with his fingers so hard his palm
was slapping between her cheeks, teasing her asshole. She had a naughty thought and slid
off Largo, releasing him with a plop.
Since we re experimenting, do you think you guys could try something the others
won t?
Largo grinned, reading her well. I was hoping you d ask eventually. I ve been eyeing
that ass.
Are you serious? Wylie pulled her up against him, his dick rubbing her between her
cheeks through his pants, arms around her, undoing her shirt. She looked down as he
unhooked her front clasped bra and moulded his hands over her breasts, flattening her
nipples against his soft palms.
This will be better in a bedroom. Largo stood and stepped out of his jeans. He led the
way past Wylie s room and walked straight into Felix s.
Rosemary undressed Wylie as they followed, sucking at his plump lips, licking down
his chest. He knocked her onto the bed and fell on her, dipping in once before Largo laughed
and rolled them over. Wylie slipped out of her and made a sound like a growl.
Relax, it ll just take a second. Largo took some lube from the top drawer of Felix s
Rosemary s eyes went wide. Felix?
What do you think he does with those girls? They re kinky. Largo lay on the bed
behind her. Don t worry, this is a fresh tube. Then he stuck the tip in her ass and squeezed.
Rosemary s butt cheeks tightened against the strange sensation. He pulled out the tube
and glided one finger up the crease of her ass, then down. She shook.
Is it going to hurt?
Maybe a little, Largo said. He leaned over and put his chin on her shoulder. Forget
the safe word. If you want to stop, just say so.
Okay. She looked at Wylie. I want you inside me while he does it. It ll distract me.
Wylie spread her thighs and guided himself inside. Fear had taken some of the
moisture from her, but the pressure built it up again. He kissed her neck and fondled her
breast while he entered her with long strokes.
Largo eased a finger into her ass.
Oh, fuck. Rosemary curved against Wylie, bucking a little when Largo added another
finger and started fingering her ass. There was some pain as her unbreached hole stretched,
but it melded well with the pleasure of Wylie thrusting inside her.
Largo used one hand to spread her ass cheeks and she felt the head of him prod her. He
found resistance and pressed in harder. She bit her lip and dug her nails into Wylie s back.
Largo drove in with one hard shove.
This, this is what she d been craving. Her body lurched between them, wide open,
sensations coming from everywhere at once. When she relaxed, Largo slammed into her,
gripping hard to her shoulders and making lovely sounds of pleasure between his teeth.
Wylie was tugging on her breast, his gentle treatment set aside and replaced with pure,
raw passion. This was something new, something forbidden. He hadn t known he wanted it,
and now that he had it, he d thrown himself in headfirst. In more than one way.
They dived into her and she seeped into them, eating their energy in tiny mouthfuls,
plenty for her to have and share. She gave as she took, a little more strength, a little more
endurance. If the nest had been complete, she could have reached out and portioned some off
to the others, but until then, this was enough. For once when the boys pulled away from her,
they didn t seem drained. Actually, they looked ready for more.
Wylie was hard again in seconds. Rosemary was ready to offer another round when the
door opened. Chetan stepped inside. Then turned and walked out.
Chetan! Rosemary stood and ran after him, grabbing Felix s robe from the back of the
door and pulling it on as she went.
Chetan was waiting for her, leaning on the back of the sofa. I m sorry, I just wanted to
tell you. He closed his eyes. Felix is gone. He went back home.
Rosemary covered her mouth with her hand. What! Why?
Because he was sure you d choose him, figure he d be fine with the girls. He says
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