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the Sumerians, Babylonians--but it was not true. The Annunaki thought it good that their
servants thought them gods, so they encouraged this.
Servants of the gods & slaves. Samura was dumbfounded.
Has it never occurred to you why a supernatural entity would need servants? All
through history, religions have taught that man was a servant of the gods, or a god.
So there is no God?
That is not correct. There is a God, but it is not the Annunaki.
Then who?
The One Power created all things, including the Annunaki, he informed her. The One
Power is everywhere and is everything. You and I are part of the One Power.
So the religions are right in thinking there is God?
Yes, they did finally grasp the concept of the One Power.
So, what does all this have to do with us now? Samura took a cup out and poured her
There was a time when some of the colonists went to Adamu females and mated with
them. There was a shortage of female Annunaki on the planet.
Ishmah motioned to the chair. May I sit?
Yes, of course.
Some called the children of these unions & abominations, he continued. There were
tales of these children growing to be giants and eating human flesh.
Samura stared him. That would make me one of them. She felt repulsed.
He held up his hand to stop her. Patience, my daughter, there is much more to tell.
Go on then.
Many Annunaki elders tell us that the people were afraid of these new hybrids because
of their enhanced powers and their loyalty to the Adamu. They feared a revolt. He paused,
taking a deep breath. There are two tribes of Annunaki. They are the Enkis and the Enlils. The
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Enlils wanted to destroy the inhabitants of this planet, believing that the violent nature of the
Adamu would ultimately bring danger to the Annunaki and even the galaxy. The Enkis did not
think it necessary. They wanted to continue observation of the Adamu s evolution. There was a
disagreement that led to war. Many were killed as well as much of the life on this planet.
Ishmah got abruptly to his feet and began pacing the floor. There was a treaty between
the two warring tribes. From that time, it has been absolutely forbidden for an Annunaki to breed
with an Adamu. It was agreed that what life forms remained could continue without interference
from the Annunaki & until they again became too dangerous. He stopped and stared at her.
That time has come.
Samura s mouth dropped open. What are they going to do?
By the treaty they must remove a large group of children under five years of age. These
young ones will be brought up by the Annunaki and replace the population of Earth. They will
release a deadly biological weapon to destroy all Adamu on the planet, he finished.
Can t the Enkis do something! she cried in disbelief, her anger bursting forth.
He shook his head. We are bound by the treaty.
Not all the people here are bad!
This is true, but the Adamu nature is very primitive. He held out his hands in a gesture
of helplessness. The leaders, those who call themselves the elite, are evil hybrids of the
Reptilians. They are preparing for the return of the Reptilians and the conquering of this planet s
If that is true, it doesn t appear that the Annunaki have a lot to worry about.
There are two problems with that theory, daughter. The Adamu are no longer bound to
Earth. The other problem is that we cannot allow the Draco Alliance to gain control of this
planet. Its location is strategically important in this sector.
Samura s hands flew to her face. It was all so crazy. She just could not digest it as
reality. Why can t you plead to the Annunaki? Maybe they would listen?
Ishmah grimaced. It is impossible, for I am of the fallen. I broke the most forbidden of
Oh yeah, me. She motioned to herself.
He nodded. This is why you must represent the Adamu to the councils.
How? Why would they listen to me?
I do not know if they will, but you must try. You will show them that you are of the
fallen and an Adamu and you walk with honor.
Samura felt her shoulders sag under the incredible weight that Ishmah had just placed on
her. Who was she really? Just an average woman, with an average life who had just found out
that it had all been an illusion. This knowledge really did nothing to change who she was. She
was just Samura, a rancher s daughter.
I don t know. I just don t think I should be the one to do this. I know nothing about
foreign relations, let alone alien relations. She felt doubtful. Don t you think you should be
talking to & I don t know, the President, the British Prime Minister & someone like that?
Ishmah smiled sadly. Do you think it wise to make contact with the war masters of this
world? What would result do you think? He began pacing the floor again.
They would immediately become hostile in the name of self-defense and the Annunaki
would think no more about obliterating all life on Earth.
Closing her eyes, Samura leaned back in her chair. She knew he was right. Humankind
had not evolved past the tendency toward violence. It was everywhere, in the militaries, in the
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streets, even in the grade schools. Effective diplomacy was not one of humankind s strengths.
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