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Damn straight, she said back.
He grinned and placed a quick kiss on her lips. Once I trusted your instincts, I started trusting my own.
And my instincts brought me right here, to you.
Then he kissed her again, while thunder rumbled in the distance. Raindrops clattered furiously against the
He broke the kiss. Can we please get this ring on your finger?
She nodded and held out her hand.
He slipped the ring over her knuckle, anchoring the band in place. I do love you, Kristy Mahoney.
She held her hand to the light, gazing at the twinkling diamond, joy filling her heart. I think it s Kristy
Osland now.
Now. He kissed her knuckle above the stone. And forever.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-0821-0
Copyright © 2007 by Barbara Dunlop
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