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hundred dollar bills and handed them to her. "This should more than square
"Oh thanks, lover. Now, you watch out for my old man. His name is Bull. He's
pretty tough."
The man smiled. "I hope that fucker does show up looking for you. I really
hope he does. I cross that bastard and you never going to hear from him
She leaned in and kissed him deeply. "I'll look for you if I
ride through here again."
"Any time, Chica. Any time."
Kit smiled and mounted the new bike. It was powerful for a
Honda, not the massive ride that she was surrendering, but it
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by Jonathan Amsbary
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had the horses. She rode back to her temporary home. She had new
transportation, she had fed and she had a new identity. She now needed to plan
her next move.
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
Chapter 22
Ginger had decided to set up an electronic stakeout. She and Kit used to
frequent the Dominance/submissive chats rooms when they had lived in Canada.
They visited many of the services, but they were regulars at the Bondage
Chateau, which was the largest public chat service. There are literally
thousands of user defined services and pages, usually accessed through irc
channels, but the chateau was located through a public area that was owned by
one of the larger internet companies. This company used chat, games, free e-
mail and a host of other services to lure users into pay services and to
expose them to advertising.
Kit had tried to keep her chatting up after she and Ginger had come to live in
France. The nice thing about the chat rooms was that geographical location was
irrelevant, that is if you didn't mind following the daily rhythms set up by
those chatters who lived in America. There were, of course, rooms and services
for those who didn't speak English, but
Americans dominated the majority of the chat activity.
Ginger, on the other hand, did not spend much time in the chat rooms anymore.
She had gone on-line to find a dominant man, a Master. She had found that man.
She had married him. She had met him on-line and they had intended to keep
their romance restricted to cyber-space. Jean's last vampire hunt had changed
those plans however. She had married Jean and now had what chatters called a
r/l (Real
Life) Master. They had maintained their Dominant/submissive
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
relationship, though Ginger sometimes wished he were more dominant than he
Ginger checked her watch and realized that it would be early afternoon across
most of North America right now. She was happy because that was when she used
to do most of her chatting and her friends would likely be on-line right now.
She easily navigated through the "vanilla" (non D/s) rooms and the banner adds
and soon found herself among her old friends in the Bondage Chateau.
She entered the room and gave a standard submissive's greeting.
Slayers-kitten Enters and bows to the Worthy and waves to her sublings.
This greeting, while short, embodied many aspects of the
Dominance/submissive community. Ginger's name indicated two things: first,
that she was a submissive, and second, that she was collared to a Master or
Mistress. An uncollared, or single, submissive would have their name begin
with "Sub".
Ginger was known as Sub-kitten, before she had met Jean.
Dominants would have their names begin with something like
Lord, Master, Lady or Mistress.
The fact that she bowed the Worthy (the Dominant chatters) showed that she
held them in respect. The term
Worthy, itself, was very important to the community and basically meant: those
worthy of my submission. It was a gentle reminder to the Dominants that the
submissives were not there to be abused or played with, that they should also
act with respect. It was a mark of dishonor and shame to be labeled as
"unworthy" by the other chatters.
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Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
Slayers-kitten Sees her sister sweetcheeks on the couch and pounces her.
Sub-sweetcheeks Grabs kitten as she pounces and throws her on the floor
Slayers-kitten giggles and tickles her sister back.
Sub-sweetcheeks huggles her sister and kisses her too.
Slayers-kitten hugs and kisses sweetcheeks back.
Sub-sweetcheeks How have you been, sis? Long time no see!
Slayers-kitten I'm just fine. Life with my Master is just wonderful
Sub-sweetcheeks Woo hoo sis, tell me more, I need details. LOL (Laughing Out
Slayers-kitten What's to tell? Hot sex. Powerful Master.
You know same old same old.
Sub-sweetcheeks LOL! Damn sis you are sooooo lucky.
I just hate you. LOL
Slayers-kitten Pinches her sis.
Sub-sweetcheeks OUCH!
It was hard for non-chatters to understand, but you really felt the things
that went on in a chat room. Maybe chatters had better imaginations than
others, maybe they were more sensitive. Maybe they had some psychic talent and
maybe they were just afraid of life. Ginger had heard all these theories
debated at different times. She had long ago stopped wondering about it and
just accepted it.
She chatted with sweetcheeks for a while. A few of their friends came and
went. Both subs and Dom/mes were very glad to see her. Chatters who returned
from a prolonged
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
absence always got the prodigal son treatment. Ginger liked drifting in every
now and again just to feel the adoration of her friends.
After a time, Ginger thought she should enlist the help of
sweetcheeks Slayers-kitten Sis, I have to talk to you about something, would
you please follow me to a private room?
Sub-sweetcheeks Sure thing.
The computer notified Ginger when sweetcheeks was in follow mode. She would
now automatically follow Ginger into whatever room she ventured, including a
room that she made. Often, chatters will make follow chains and roam from room
to room, although this is usually done to disrupt rooms that they don't
approve of.
Ginger used the interface to make a user room. She made sure that it was a
private room, so that it would not appear in the directory. She also set the
security to "on" so no one could break in on them. Most chatters who engaged
in cybersex learned this procedure very quickly, that is unless they liked
being interrupted in the middle of having sex.
Sub-sweetcheeks So what's up sis?
Slayers-kitten Hun, what I'm going to tell you is hard for me. You must
promise not to tell anyone else. Promise?
Sub-sweetcheeks Of course, sis.
Slayers-kitten This has to do with Kit. She's in BIG
Sub-sweetcheeks OMG (Oh my God).
Slayers-kitten Yes, it's a Dom she met back in the states. She called me
frantically the other day. She said he had hurt her badly and that she needed
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to run away.
Kit [Cyberblood Chronicles Book II]
by Jonathan Amsbary
Sub-sweetcheeks Oh sis, I'm sooo sorry.
Slayers-kitten Look, he knows that she chats and may have friends looking for
her on-line. You know how some of these creeps can be?
Sub-sweetcheeks Nod nods nods.
Slayers-kitten So just keep an ear out will you? I'm sure she won't come
on-line under her usual names, but if you get a vibe, will you pass it back to
me? My Master has connections in law enforcement. I'll be able to help her.
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