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with him was different from what happened with you. For one, I was younger. A lot younger. And we
met, kissed, and he died before we could ever go beyond the trial.
I m so sorry. Kyler didn t want that ghost between them. And he agreed with Cooper. Not
discussing something never turned out for the best. It had a tendency to fester.
We never got the chance to even get close to love. But what ate at me and held me back from
trying again was I wasn t strong enough to undergo the trial. Emotionally, I was devastated because
there was nothing I could do to help him. That s why, with you, I hesitated. Fear held me back.
It s difficult for me to think of you afraid of anything.
I told myself I was afraid of killing you, but the real truth was I didn t think I was strong enough to
handle the trial. But by saying I was protecting you, I was really protecting myself.
And I took it out of your hands. Kyler rolled over so they could see one another. Are you angry
with me?
No. If you hadn t have kissed me, I would have died. There s no question in my mind you saved
my life. But also, I don t know that I would have had the courage to try again. Cooper kissed him
very sweetly. How did you get over your fear of wolves?
I don t know that I did. Kyler laughed. But I decided that wolves are like people.
Uh, I m not following that logic.
Believe it or not, people have hurt me. There s a whole long string of human beings who did me
wrong, yet I continue to care about humanity. I had to realize that though those wolves killed my
father and hurt me, that doesn t mean all wolves are bad.
Ah. I get it. And I like it.
Kyler settled his head on Cooper s chest. There was more they had to talk about, but they didn t
have to resolve everything right now. Renaldo was still out there, vowing vengeance on Kyler, but he
wasn t doing anything other than sending threats to the LAPD. He wasn t going to his usual haunts. As
far as they knew he hadn t gone anywhere near Kyler s home or anywhere Kyler frequented other than
his office. And that explosion was minor. There was more smoke damage than anything else. After
starting repairs, Kyler beefed up security. So far, there hadn t been anything else even remotely
suspicious. Kyler was starting to suspect the threats were nothing more than a grieving brother s way
of dealing with his emotions. But while he was sympathetic to a degree, Kyler still took precautions.
And he knew Cooper wasn t about to drop the ball. He was überalpha and therefore extremely
protective, which Kyler actually enjoyed. As long as Cooper wasn t putting himself in danger, he
could be as macho as he wanted to be.
I never thought I d retire. Cooper was tracing some kind of pattern on Kyler s back.
You haven t retired. Kyler lifted up again so he could see Cooper s face. And I m not the one
Hey, slow your roll. Cooper laughed. I made the decision. I m not blaming you. I m just talking
Kyler nodded. Sorry. I guess I just feel somewhat defensive. I thought maybe your men might
think it was my fault.
They might, but I doubt it. Besides, they re free to think whatever the hell they want. I m not in
control of that, and neither are you. But in reality, I think they understand. I ve been in this game for a
long time, and I want to have some peace. I can run things without being in the field. That s a younger
man s game.
Kyler narrowed his gaze. Just how old are you? Cooper had a fairly deep set of crow s-feet and he
had salt-and-pepper hair, but there was a lot more pepper as opposed to salt.
Oh, right. We never did get into all that, did we?
You re not going to answer, are you?
Hmm. Cooper pretended to consider the matter.
Keep it to yourself. I ll just keep my tight little ass to myself. We ll see which one of us gives up
It took a grand total of thirty minutes for Cooper to cave. Kyler realized he d only lasted that long
because he needed a break to get hard again. I m ninety-four.
Are you serious? Kyler shook his head. You don t look it.
We age differently. You will, too, now.
How long do we live?
That I don t know.
You don t know?
There s a lot about our kind I don t know. Cooper was sitting cross-legged on the floor. He pulled
Kyler into his lap, settling him on his cock. Since he d confessed the truth, Kyler allowed him access.
Even though they d just had a wild fuck, feeling his mate fill him a second time was no less intense.
Kyler had a feeling it would always be like this for them.
You don t know where you came from or how you became a shifter?
No. Cooper lifted and lowered Kyler very slowly. I think it s something in the blood, but I m not
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