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the old windows making electric lighting pointless.
Over a pile of heavy cables, Jay finally caught sight of Blaina, sitting on an ancient barrel in
the furthest corner from where he stood. The woman was bathed in sunlight from the windows
she was sitting against, one foot up on the barrel. She tilted back her head and took a deep drink
from a bottle of water. As she lowered it, she harshly wiped her mouth with her hand, then
chucked the bottlecap toward the far wall.
Hey. You okay?
Fan-fucking-tastic, she said dryly.
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Driven to Distraction
He didn t let it faze him. Good job out there. Great job actually. We blew Lukas away. He
wants us to work together on his next project.
Whoop-de-do. She stared at the opposing wall, unconsciously scratching at the fake blood
on her arm.
Look. I know you re pissed at me for earlier, but this is still a really cool thing.
She jumped off the barrel and faced him, her eyes widening in disgust. Cool? She shook
her head. No. Nothing about this is cool.
What? Why not? Jay couldn t remember opening a can of worms. Okay, he d had the
same doubts for a few moments, but at least he could see the big picture. What the hell is up
with you, Blaina? This is a golden opportunity here. For both of us.
No it isn t. I m done with this. Her gaze darkened. With you. She pushed past him,
heading toward the mass of carts.
Oh hell, no. She wasn t getting away from him that easily. He circled her arm, pulling her
down a short, empty hallway. Under his breath, he rasped, Don t. We re talking. Now.
She yanked her arm out of his grasp and glared at him. Fuck you, Jay.
Dammit, Blaina. Where the fuck is this coming from? I thought you d be happy that we get
to work together some more.
I m just work, huh? Her eyes shot daggers. Kissing Blaina is just all in a day s work for
Mr. Safety. Don t make it more than that. That s what you told Smitty and Cash. Well, let s
make it easy on you. Let s not make it at all. Not ever again.
Are you kidding, babe? If kissing you could be a day s, night s whatever work, I d be
first in line to sign up for that job.
Don t feed me bullshit, Jay. You go out of your way to make sure no one knows we re
together. What the hell did I do to deserve that?
The scar on his chest ached and he rubbed a hand over it to ease the phantom pain. It s not
bullshit, babe. I just want my private life private. That s all. When relationships become center
stage on set, bad shit can happen. But that doesn t change how I feel about you. He tried to meet
her eyes, but she turned away. He sighed. Look, I tried to ask you earlier but got interrupted.
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Ashleigh Raine
Come away with me this weekend. Just you and me. No work. No distractions. No nothing but
you and me
Go by yourself, Jay. I m not interested in sneaking around with you anymore.
That s not what this is about. Give me this weekend to prove what you mean to me. He
put his hand on her face. She didn t pull away, but she didn t lean into him either. Blaina, it s
never been this good for me. You make me
Excited voices and laughter approached, interrupting his plea. He cursed under his breath
and dropped his hand from Blaina s face as Connor and Sam turned down the hallway toward
Blaina, Sam exclaimed, her cheeks flushed. Damn, girl, you re a hard woman to find.
She paused, looking between Blaina and Jay. Ummm& am I interrupting something?
Nothing we can t talk about later, Blaina replied with forced cheerfulness. Didn t know
you were gonna be here today. Where s the little one?
With Laura and Christie. Last I saw they were fighting over who got to hold him. Sam
wiggled back against Connor as he drew her close and dropped a kiss on top of her head.
Jay gritted his teeth. He liked Connor. He liked Sam. But seeing their obvious and
overflowing love for each other when Blaina was on the verge of walking away from him was
enough to make him want to put his fist through a wall. Again.
C mon, beautiful, Connor said. You better tell Blaina or I m gonna blab. He nuzzled her
neck and Sam s smile beamed even brighter.
Tell me what? Blaina asked, looking between the two lovers. Connor get nominated for
some big award or something?
He shook his head. Nope, it s better than that.
Sam grinned, overflowing with elation. I m pregnant.
Whooping, Connor picked up Sam and swung her around. Damn, beautiful, I love to hear
you say that.
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