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aroused, desire transformed into solid, teeming flesh. Then he smiled, slow and sexy,
and the fey moment faded. He was just a man now, impossibly beautiful, but a man of
blood and sinew and bone, nonetheless. For a moment, they just stared at each other
across the space between them, erotically aware of their separateness. Then Sophia
smiled, too.
Didn t they once burn women at the stake for allowing creatures like you into their
bed? She didn t expect the somber frown on his handsome face as he kneeled and
crawled over her supine body.
Don t joke about it, honey. We were horrified by the way humans behaved during
that time in history. There was a particularly terrible incident at a convent where I
he stopped abruptly, seeming to catch himself. His eyes leapt guiltily up to meet hers.
Suffice it to say that ignorance can kill a thousand times more readily than a weapon
can. Thank the Fathers I was able to rectify that situation without any bloodshed.
Sophia s smile deepened. His cock acknowledged that brightening of her spirit with
a lurch. Her eyebrows rose in aroused amusement when she noticed. She reached up
and caressed the delineated sinews of his upper arms as they bulged from holding
himself off her. You don t need to pretend like you ve never had a lover before, Che. I
know you must have had& what, millions?
I don t know. I forgot the second I looked into your eyes.
Sophia laughed at his suspiciously human-sounding male platitude.
Subtle Touch
Che grinned. He loved the sound of her laughter. He vowed then and there to make
sure that she laughed greatly and often. His stomach muscles jerked in excitement and
pleasure when she ran her sensitive fingertips over his abdomen.
We ve been like this before, Sophia whispered.
Yes, he acknowledged as he watched her fingers caress his appreciative flesh. It
was while you slept two nights ago. I had to release you because I d held you in the
dream too long and your body was protesting.
Sophia glanced up at him in wide-eyed, innocent wonder. That was why Che
gasped out in surprise when she closed her fist on his cock and stroked him warmly. I
actually remember. I was mad, because I never got to do this.
Che grunted and shifted his hips slightly, adding his own friction to Sophia s caress
along the length of his penis. Nothing to stop you now, honey.
Sophia glanced down between their bodies. She felt the increasingly familiar pussy
meltdown when she saw his cock in her stroking hand. His shaft was so long and
straight, his balls were full and tight with his seed, and the puffy, fat head of his penis&
Che laughed softly. He bent his elbows out wide, leaving room for Sophia s arm
and pumping hand, and idly tongued a flushed, dark pink nipple. So, you remember
that part of the dream, as well.
You re enormous, Che. I ve never taken a man like you. I m not sure it ll&
It ll work, he said with amused gentleness as he nipped ever so gently at a
distended nipple and Sophia whimpered in pleasure.
It has to, doesn t it? Sophia asked distractedly as he fully took the tip of her breast
into his warm mouth and applied an eye-crossing suction. As he slowly came back into
focus, she watched him lash erotically at her nipple, soothing and exciting her all at
once. We won t be mated if you can t get it into me?
No. We could have been mated even through the dream, with me being
Oh, Sophia muttered with relief.
But I have to have intercourse with you to set the spell of protection that Bale
created for mated Watchers.
Oh, Sophia repeated, confused and more than a little anxious.
Che s eyes seemed to spear right down into her soul. And besides, I wanted the
mating to be completed this way. I want you to accept my flesh into yours, Sophia. I
want your body to learn my shape, to form around me so that we ll fit together
physically like a lock and a key, just like our spirits do.
Her lower lip fell open at the erotic tension that exuded off his hard body in near
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