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throughout her veins. She looked down at the half revealed form of her naked lover.
Pulling Denise s fingers from her mouth Randa said, "I really did love your essay ."
"Yeah? Um& " Denise cleared her throat, "Well wait until you reach sixty!" Keeping her eyes focused on any area of Randa s body above her shoulders,
DJ backed away from the door. "Okay, I better go and& and& get some," she poked her thumb over her shoulder, "get some thing done." With an
affirmed nod Denise turned and headed swiftly out of the bedroom door.
Denise stood on the front porch, hands on hips as she looked out over the front lawn. With dark shades upon her nose to shield her eyes from the glare of
the mid morning sun she tapped her foot impatiently waiting. Randa seemed to be taking her time in getting ready but as long as they left the house at
half past eleven DJ didn t mind.
Pulling a set of keys from her pocket DJ twirled the rings around her index finger. When she had realised Randa drove a truck she was adamant that she
was to never get inside the contraption and had leased a new Lexus a few days later! Denise was very particular about her cars and always opted for
the luxury business or sporty models, preferably either a Lexus or an Alfa Romeo.
Oh come on Randa, she thought. There were two stops Denise had to make before they reached her planned destination. Denise had booked them all
into an exclusive resort that Randa had often stated she wanted to visit but thought it would be too expensive. The poet had a schedule and she intended
on keeping it.
Looking down at her watch, DJ shook her head. Moving towards the front door she poked her head into the house. "Come on, Birthday Girl. I want to get
there while it s still daylight out here."
"All right, all right I m coming." Randa emerged from their bedroom dressed and ready to go. She picked up her bag from the corner of the sofa and
headed towards Denise. "Come on then, Miss Impatient, let s get going to this clandestine destination."
"Well it s about time."
Randa rolled her eyes as she closed and locked the front door. "Do I look okay? I have no idea where we re going so I don t know how to dress." She
looked down at her simple white top and light blue jeans.
"You look beautiful." Denise leaned forward and kissed Randa briefly before taking her hand and leading her away from the house. "And you still had two
and a half minutes to spare& congratulations!"
"Thanks& I do try."
The women climbed into the Lexus and DJ pushed the key into the ignition. Instantly the blare of the radio invaded the small space as the engine roared
into life. "Are we ready?" she asked, turning down the music.
"Sure are."
"Then lets go." DJ eased the car onto the road and headed off down the street.
They had been driving in a comfortable silence for no more than five minutes and during that time Denise had been aware of Randa s continual stare. She
had learned that it was the patent Martin stare as she had seen Janice Martin use the very same one while talking with her daughter on several
With an amused sigh Denise turned briefly towards Randa. "Okay& what?"
"Aren t you even going to give me even a little hint about where we re going?"
Denise was certain she detected a slight whine in her partner s voice. "No and you know I wont either so you will just have to be patient. We will be there
soon enough." Denise took a left at the next junction and just ahead she spotted a familiar figure standing on the corner. She smiled as she approached
Randa s best friend.
"Hey, there s Derek!" Randa said surprised.
"Yep." Denise slowed down the car and pulled in by the roadside. Derek s smiling face greeted them as he opened the back passenger side door and
climbed into the vehicle.
Randa turned in her seat to address her friend as DJ commenced their journey. "Derek& not that I m in the least bit unhappy to see you, but what are you
doing here?"
"I m part of the afternoon birthday entourage." He leaned forward and kissed Randa s cheek. "Happy Birthday, sweet thing. How does it feel to reach the
big three zero?"
Randa groaned as Denise chuckled. "I wouldn t push it Derek. It took me a while to even convince her to get out of bed this morning."
"So that s why I ve been waiting on that street corner for the past ten minutes. You know I was beginning to get a little worried. A good-looking guy like me
standing on a street corner& I don t need to tell you about the looks I got. If I had been there any longer I m sure I would have gotten a few monetary offers
for this body of mine!"
Randa grinned as she said, "Yeah maybe to get you to go away!"
Derek s jaw dropped as he glared at his best friend. "Oh& I m hurt! And here was me breaking all my plans today just so I could spend the afternoon with
my friend on her birthday. I had to beat the admirers down with a stick just so I could leave my front door this morning and that s all the thanks I get?"
"Derek you really do have a flair for the dramatic!"
"Just making my point, babe. Now& " Derek looked out of the window, "are we nearly there yet?"
Randa switched her gaze from Denise back to Derek. "You know where we are going?"
"Of course I do!"
Randa looked back at DJ. "How come he knows?"
"Because it s not his birthday& "
"& Yet!" Derek added hopefully.
"So he is allowed to know," the poet finished.
A few minutes later Denise took another left onto a familiar street and Randa looked in surprise at her.
"I know this area. A friend of my mom lives here."
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