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the value of his work; that masters generally cared for the health
and well-being of their slaves and avoided gratuitous ill-treatment;
and that some slaves not only became skilled craftsmen, but also
joined professions such as engineering and architecture, in some
Gill Siedel, The Holocaust Denial, Beyond the Pale Collective,
cases being slave-owners themselves.76 Some black people might
Leeds, 1986.
argue that this constitutes slavery denial , and that those persons
The only full-length British study of Holocaust revisionism,
advocating it should be imprisoned for insulting black people .
published by a Jewish socialist group. Although it contains a
If we are to support the prohibition of Holocaust denial, then on
considerable amount of information about the deniers, the
what grounds could equivalent demands by Irish or black people
author somewhat unsuccessfully attempts to link Holocaust de-
be resisted? On what grounds could the demand by Muslim fun-
nial with the rise of Thatcherite political and economic ideas.
damentalists for the banning of Salman Rushdie s novel The Sat-
anic Verses be opposed? And who knows what other demands for
Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Assassins of Memory, translated by Jef-
the banning of other ideas historical, scientific, religious or
frey Mehlman, Columbia University Press, New York, 1992.
cultural would emerge once we moved so far in the criminali-
sation of dissident opinions? Are scientists who promote Darwin- A collection of essays attacking Robert Faurisson by the lead-
ing French academic opponent of Holocaust revisionism, who
ism going to be imprisoned because their ideas offend the beliefs
is a Classical scholar. It contains a great deal of information
of Christian and Muslim fundamentalists? Britain would very
rapidly descend to the level of Canada, if not to the dystopia de- about the surprisingly wide level of acceptance Holocaust de-
nial has attained in some French circles.
scribed by Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451, in which all books
are banned, and firemen equipped with flame-throwers go into
Deborah Lipstadt, Denying the Holocaust, first published 1993,
action to destroy any secret libraries which are discovered. The
Penguin Books, London, 1994.
central character of Bradbury s novella is a fireman who develops
an unhealthy curiosity about the books he has to destroy, and
The author holds the Dorot chair in modern Jewish and Holo-
begins secretly to collect and read them. He discovers that many
caust studies at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, and is the
of the other firemen, including his immediate superior, have been
leading academic opponent of the Holocaust deniers in the
doing exactly the same for years. Finally he escapes the city to
United States. This is the most comprehensive hostile study of
join a remote community of dissidents who have outflanked the
Holocaust revisionism produced to date. She demonstrates
ban by each memorising the entire text of a complete book, which
how Holocaust denial is linked to earlier traditions of Ameri-
they then recite from memory to the others.
can historical revisionism relating to the two world wars and
the cold war, and how it is having a growing impact in the US.
Bradbury s classic story was probably never intended to be taken
The columnist and Republican presidential nomination candi-
literally. Nevertheless, Jean-Claude Carrière, France s leading
screenwriter, and president of the Paris film school FEMIS, pro- date Pat Buchanan and the late Hollywood film star Robert
Mitchum have both made statements indicating that they are
vides an example of ingenuity in evading censorship which goes
not total believers in all aspects of the conventional view of the
the full length of Bradbury s fiction:
Holocaust. She argues that the Holocaust deniers should be
In the 1970s in Prague I encountered a human movie. He
denied a platform in the media and universities, but not pros-
knew several banned films by heart (he had seen them
ecuted by the government. This book is currently the subject
abroad). People invited him to dinner; after the meal the
of a libel action by David Irving, who argues that Lipstadt s
guests made a circle and he told them the movie that
attacks on him are defamatory.
APPENDIX: NICK GRIFFIN POLICE TAPE unity of all white nationalist groups in order to achieve a final
victory over those who wish to destroy us so they can rule for
As I mentioned in the main body of the text, Nick Griffin and
ever over a mass of mongrel slaves . They could then put the
Paul Ballard, editor and distributor respectively of the magazine
rope to capital work . The editorial did not mention ethnic mi-
The Rune, are currently being prosecuted for the contents of
norities. Griffin explained that he meant that international capi-
number 12 of that magazine under section 19 of the Public
talism and international Zionism were conspiring to reduce
Order Act 1986. If they are convicted, they face a maximum of
white people to a mass of mongrel slaves . He predicted that
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