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the hand now gripping Reid s forearm.
Reid had played well with others for days. Days. Longer than he had in& forever. For some
reason, this asshole even if he was from Grayslake and knew Reid s history forgot who he was,
where he came from, and how that d shaped him. He spun, hand splayed and in one swift move he had
his fingers wrapped around his throat and back against the wall. Could he hurt him? Yes. Had he? Not
yet. It was all about surprise, intimidation. Based on his wide eyes and gaping mouth, Reid was
Never, he purred and leaned close, ever, disrespect me in front of the clan. I am the Itan. You
want my notice, you ask for it and you wait. You don t put your hands on me like I m some child who
can t pay attention to the world around me. You are here at my request and mine alone. Your mother
may have put you on this earth, but I will take you out of it. The roll of their fear stroked his back, a
hint of panic teasing the edge and he battled against his beast. It didn t just hate disrespect, he loathed
it. He tightened his grip, making Owen wheeze, and he leaned forward to whisper in the bear s ear.
Do we have an understanding?
The, Owen gasped, the Southeast Itan sent me. You have no right
I have every right. As I said, my request brought your here since as a trained EMT you re the
closest thing to a Healer we have. Sure, Evie was trained, but he didn t want her five feet from his
side, let alone meeting with other bears. You re to meet with the clan and make yourself available to
them at their convenience. You don t chase them. You don t hound them. You sit in your office and
leave your door open. You show them respect and consideration while you listen and care for them.
You tell me if there s something I can do to make this shit better.
That violates patient-doctor
He squeezed a little harder, feeling the rage and adrenaline sink into his blood. Yeah, Owen had
forgotten who he dealt with. Reid was better than he d been when he joined the bears, but even after
going through eight therapists, he was still a crazy fuck.
We both understand that a smart bear any shifter has reason to be afraid of me. So you re
gonna be the closest thing they have to a doctor and clan member liaison in one until I get my inner-
circle set. He kept his hand in place and slowly turned his gaze on the cluster of women in the living
room and then to some of the other bears who called Brookfield home. None of you have come to me
with shit, so I m telling you to go to Owen. Despite his current idiocy, he s a smart and caring bear.
There will be no repercussions if you bring a grievance to Owen. He knows enough to bring shit to
my door that needs to be addressed. You tell him not to say something, and he won t.
He focused on Katherine and then the female beside her. Then the one next to her. He kept going
around the circle, telling them with his eyes that they should give him their trust.
I will protect you. I will care for you. You are mine.
Katherine was the first to nod, her expression clouded with fear and hope.
The others fell in line and their acceptance slowly traveled around the room.
Good. We re having a gathering tonight to rid the clan of the evil it s harbored. You have any
grievances between now and then, you go to Owen. You come to me.
Evie s scent hit him a split second before she stepped into his sight, his shirt hanging from her
body and their mixed scent clung to her skin. Or me. His mate shot a glare at Owen. Or you can
come to me.
You... Gasp. Can't just... Wheeze. Order me
Amazingly enough, Reid drawled, I can.
And because the wolf wanted to, he squeezed a little tighter, enjoyed the darkening of Owen s
face as it reddened and then purpled. The animal liked it, liked the wave of fear that came from Owen
as he continued to steal his air.
Reid? There was no worry or concern in his mate's tone. Simple curiosity.
Another subtle squeeze, pulling that last whiff of air from Owen s lungs, and then he released the
bear. Owen fell to the ground with a gasp, fighting to fill his lungs with air, and Owen shot him a
Want it again? His wolf pushed forward and released a growl.
The bear dropped his gaze in an instant, face paling until it nearly blended with the white on the
walls. Sorry, he whispered.
He grunted and turned his attention back to the room at large. What I said stands. You can't talk to
me, you go to Owen or Evelyn, his Evie whimpered and a glance showed her confusion. He reached
out and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She was Evelyn to them, Evie to him. It was a clear
difference he'd explain later. Never did he want to hear Evie fall from anyone's lips. There's also
Asher. He's my Enforcer. I'll establish the rest of the hierarchy over the next few days, but this is the
infrastructure as it stands today.
Reid's gaze shifted over everyone once more. I want you to understand something. I know your
fear. I know what lives in your hearts and that you've fought to just survive over the years. The
tension ratcheted up and he'd never hated the reputation he'd cultivated more. But there are two
things you don't know that you should.
I demand respect and submission--my wolf allows nothing less. I also claim this clan as mine. I
will protect you until my last breath and I will kill anyone anyone who threatens my bears and
this town. Today's attack will not go unpunished. I will cut them. I will claw them. I will rip off
pieces of flesh and I will gut them while they still breathe.
A crazy male kills to kill. I kill so others understand it would be crazy to touch what belongs to
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