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door. Three locks total, all with the same key. As quietly as possible, she flicked one after the other
until they were all disengaged.
Thank god there wasn t a security system. Martin intended to have one installed later in the day,
but for now, she could escape without waking the house with random beeps from a keypad.
Lauren opened the door and slipped out, tugging it quietly closed behind her. Relocking the doors
caused three low snicks, but again, no response from inside.
Now she had to worry about driving away undetected. Already the morning sun peered over the
horizon, lighting the front yard. It also brought early traffic. Hopefully enough to mask her departure.
Her feet crunched over the gravel, shifting the pale rocks as she walked.
At her truck, she slid the key into the lock and turned it, granting herself entry. She tugged on the
handle and
Going somewhere? The voice was deep, sleep roughened, and sexy as all get out. Also
Didn t stop her from screaming. Lauren jumped, yelling and spinning around to face Van. Her
heart rate sped, adrenaline flooding her at the surprise.
What the hell are you doing? Her eyes were open wide with the shock. Don t sneak up on me
like that!
He loomed over her, crowding her against the pickup, forcing her to lean back. Except she had no
place to go. Nope, he surrounded her, his large body so close she felt both threatened and aroused.
His heat engulfed her, caressing her with his warmth, and stoking her desire.
Damn it, she couldn t go to work with wet panties. Well, at least, not that kind of wet. She didn t
have time to swing home and change. Thank god she had an extra uniform at work.
I wouldn t have surprised you if you hadn t been sneaking out of the house. His voice was a
low, deep rumble, and he stepped closer, his hips brushing hers. The bulge at the juncture of his thighs
grew, a semi-hardness thickening and firming. Where are you going, baby?
That wasn t the first time he d used that endearment. Baby. He d called her baby and then he
spoke with Mia. Well, he could go back to her then. He was all kissing her and then running off to
talk on the phone and& She mentally sighed. He did give the best fantasy orgasms though. Now she
mentally slapped herself because she shouldn t be thinking about fantasy orgasms after he d scared
her and she was mad, damn it.
Work, she snapped. Some of us have to work for a living.
Van grinned. You don t think keeping after you, protecting you, is work?
Lauren narrowed her eyes. You&
Hell, she didn t know what else she wanted to say. Asshole? Jerk? Fine as hell man?
No, definitely not that last one.
Look, I need to go. So, run on back into the house and& She glanced at the home and a thought
struck her. You were passed out and I just locked the doors. How d you get from there, she
furrowed her brow and pointed at the front door, to here so fast? And I didn t hear you?
Van shrugged. Quiet, I guess. I can be real quiet when need be. His eyes heated and he seemed
to stare into her, plucking thoughts from her mind. Like in the middle of the night when everyone is
Oh, god, no. She was going to pretend he didn t say that last part because she most certainly
didn t hear a groan last night and it definitely wasn t his. Lauren swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry.
Uh-huh. She shook her head, pretending his insinuation never hit the air. It doesn t matter. She
huffed and got back on track. Me, work. You, go do whatever it is you do that doesn t involve me. It
was fun, love you madly, yada yada, buh-bye.
Lauren turned from him and her hip brushed his hardness. She tried to ignore the low hiss that
escaped his lips and the moan when he leaned forward and his hard dick settled against her ass.
Lauren, I need you to stay here. Stay safe. I told you last night, Davies is dangerous. Men like
Davies don t like to lose and you got his wife away from him.
She didn t acknowledge that his words might have a tiny bit of truth to them. Or the fact that his
rumbling voice got her hot. Looked like she would be going to work with wet panties.
Van pressed his face to the side of her neck, nuzzling her, his morning scruff teasing her sensitive
skin. He breathed deep, as if drawing her scent into his lungs. He rocked his hips against her, fabric-
covered dick caressing her, and she pressed her ass into him. It was a mistake to encourage him, a
mistake to toy with him, but it was so damn delicious.
He groaned and something sharp and firm scraped her neck. Did you just bite me?
He repeated the caress, teeth capturing her flesh and nipping before releasing. He lapped the
semi-wound, tongue soothing the ache. Depends. Do you like it?
Lauren swallowed hard. She wanted to say no. She wanted to ask him what woman would get off
on any kind of pain. But& she didn t want to be a liar, either. So, she kept her mouth shut and wiggled
against him, tilting her head to the side, giving him more room.
Van chuckled, all cocky and full of himself, but he did give her a repeat performance. All the
while he breathed her into him. She understood the action since she felt the same. His flavors were so
deep, dark. Intoxicating.
Her pussy wept, growing moister by the second and all the man did was nibble on her. No hands
stroking, pleasuring her. Nope. A tongue and teeth. She was so freakin weird. And turned on.
Couldn t forget turned on.
He drew in another breath, his chest expanding and brushing her back. Except this time, he held
his breath and froze, unmoving against her.
Fuck, he spat the word and pushed away from the truck, leaving her cold and alone against the
What? Van? Confusion filled her and she furrowed her brow. One minute they were almost-
kinda making out and then he was gone. She followed him, easing away from the hunk of metal.
Van paced around her car, breathing deep, and holding each for a few seconds before releasing it
from his lungs. He repeated the move, taking a few steps, and pausing as he slowly circled her
vehicle. Step, step, inhale, hold it, release and move on.
Uh, Van? He held up his hand, but didn t look at her, so she kept her mouth shut.
What the hell?
He made a full lap and then moved back to her front right tire, pausing a moment before squatting
and out of her sight.
Well, then. Way to kill a happy buzz.
She went to him. He d obviously finished his heavy breathing-slash-steam train impression.
Van s gaze was locked on the ground, the gravel surrounding her vehicle.
Van? You re kinda freakin me out. Okay, no kinda in there. This was a full-on freak out.
He brushed at the small rocks with his fingers, shifting gravel with his touch. He picked up a few
and brought them to his nose. Weirder and weirder. Finally, he ducked farther and looked under the
He reached beneath her vehicle and snared a handful of rocks before rolling to his feet beside her.
She peered at the bits of gravel he d collected, noting the dark brown something-or-other coating
What s that? She wrinkled her nose at the oily scent.
Van let most of the rocks fall to the ground, retaining one of the largest and rolling it between his
fingers. Brake fluid. Normally I d tell you that you should have had the lines flushed and fluid
replaced years ago.
Lauren frowned.
But the question today is why is your brake fluid coating the ground?
She looked at the piece of stone in his hand and then her gaze wandered to the handful on the
ground. All of them were coated in the dark brown liquid. Um, it s an old truck?
She wanted that to be the reason her brake fluid stained Martin s gravel. Like, really, really.
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