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Stephani Hecht
you to be able to protect yourself. I m not going to
let you leave the building without you being
armed, plus this place could be attacked. It s
happened before.
Marty s heart skipped a beat. Really? With all
the security you have?
We ve amped up our security since then, but
nothing is foolproof. Besides, if we re attacked by
Snakes or Spiders, nothing is going to stop them.
A shudder went through Marty as he thought
about having to face off against giant Spiders or
Snakes. He d heard about them, and just the
thought of them scared the ever living hell out of
him. They sounded like something out of B horror
films or something. It was no wonder that the
humans were so afraid of all shifters when there
were those things running around and destroying
Unfortunately, they finally reached the gun
range. Marty wrinkled his nose as the smell of gun
smoke hit his nostrils. Then he jumped when the
sounds of shooting went off. Damn, he d never
imagined it would be that loud. It never was that
way on TV or the movies.
Lawson must have noticed Marty s reaction
because he said, Don t worry, you ll get used to
the smell. As for the noise, we ll get you some ear-
protection. It s even worse on us than it is on
humans since we re shifters and our hearing is
The Defeat of Lawson
more enhanced. Oh, and you ll be getting a snazzy
pair of eye gear, too.
Great. I ll be ready for the runway. I just can t
wait, Marty drawled.
You d look perfect in anything.
Just promise me that you won t let me shoot
anybody and I ll be okay.
Lawson chuckled. I promise not to let you kill
anybody. Does that make you feel any better?
Not really, but we may as well get this over
with since you re so determined that I do it.
You sound like I m making you walk to your
own execution. For all you know, you may like it.
Marty highly doubted it, but he still followed
Lawson to the armory. There they got two
handguns, Marty was sure they were a certain
type, but he had no clue as to what they were.
They also got orange glasses& oh, how
pretty& and large ear guards that looked like
They put on the gear then Lawson checked out
both the weapons. Once he was finished he led
Marty to the nearest empty stall. Marty looked
down at the target and let out a gasp. How
What? Lawson asked.
The targets are in the shapes of birds.
That s because we usually fight Ravens.
But, Hawks are birds, too. They should have
thought of some other shape, if for no other reason
Stephani Hecht
than to be thoughtful to you guys, Marty
Marty wanted to march into Mitchell s office
right at that moment and put in a complaint. He
even started to spin around to do just that, but
Lawson reached over and grabbed Marty s
shoulder. Turning Marty around, Lawson gave
him a soft kiss.
Thank you, Lawson said.
For what? Pointing out the obvious?
I think you are the only feline that has ever
been outraged by that. Most of the others don t
give a damn. It means a lot to me that you care.
Marty was shocked. Why hadn t anybody
protested before? Yet, all he heard was how it was
the Hawks that were the ones that refused to be
friendly. Marty wondered how they would react if
he snuck in during the night and replaced all the
targets with cat-shaped ones. Maybe then they d
be a little more understanding.
Lawson stood behind Marty and positioned
him in a shooting stance. Okay, focus on the
target. The best is a head or chest shot. Try to
remember that you usually only have one chance
at this. Ravens move fast, even if they re
Marty nodded. Even though he was still
terrified with guns, he was going to do his best not
to let Lawson down.
The Defeat of Lawson
Chapter Eight
s Lawson wrapped his body around Marty s
he was still stunned over the Cougar s
outrage over the shape of the targets. Yes, they
had always bothered Lawson and yes, he had
always thought it was inconsiderate of the felines.
He d even bitched about it a few times. Every time
he had though, he d been told that he wasn t
making any efforts to get along with the coalition
and that he was causing trouble. That he should
just be grateful that the felines had given them a
home and he should shut his yap.
Yet, Marty, who was a feline of all things, had
picked up on the issue that had bothered Lawson
all those years and protested it. Why was it that
Marty, who was so new to the shifter world,
understand Lawson better than those who were
born and raised in it?
Maybe that was why Marty could see things
with an unjaded light. He hadn t been raised with
preconceived prejudices or misconceptions. He
hadn t been taught that all Hawks were stuck-up
Stephani Hecht
assholes, which was the furthest thing from the
truth. They liked other shifters just fine. It was
simply in their DNA to stick together and not let
any outsiders breech their cast. It was their way of
protecting themselves.
Okay, maybe Lawson had taken it a bit too far
by calling the felines filthy, disgusting creatures. It
was just that he was so sick of the Hawks being
treated like second class citizens at the coalition.
Sure, Colin and Daniel may be their leaders, but
they had to clear everything with Mitchell first.
Hell, the guys couldn t even scratch their asses
without Mitchell s okay.
It may have been wrong of the Hawks to align
themselves with the Ravens all those years ago.
But the Hawks have been trying to make amends
for that. They ve been doing everything they could
to help find all the Lost Shifters. Shouldn t that
count for something? Yet, a good portion of the
feline population still gave them distrustful
glances, and some even went so far as to refuse to
talk to them. There were even some felines on
Lawson s military team that harassed him. He
never even bothered to report it because he knew
that it was useless. As always, they would side
with the feline and find some way to blame the
whole thing on him. It had been that way since
they had come to live at the coalition, and Lawson
didn t see it changing any time soon.
The Defeat of Lawson
So they would have to excuse him if he was a
tad bit bitter.
Yet, as he stood there holding Marty, who was
a feline, of all shifters, Lawson was hard pressed
to recall why he hated all things feline. Just as he
had earlier this morning when he d given Marty a
blowjob. But Lawson had been powerless the
moment he d seen Marty naked. One look at that
fine cock and Lawson knew he had to have a taste
of it.
Are we ever going to shoot, or are we just
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