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can be used) and the selection becomes very flashy but forced just the
174. A sheet of cardboard is divided into sixteen squares of different
colors. A number is named, the color counted to and it is always forced.
Four squares contain the force color the rest being mixed. But as any one
of the sides may be the top, these four colors may be made to show up at
any number. With the sheet in front of you and counting from the left to
fight always make the force color the 1 - 6 - 8 - 14 squares. By turning
sheet around a side at a time, you will see that each change gives you four
different positions until all 16 are covered. Write the correct four numbers
along edge on the back. Have a number called and picking up sheet
properly so correct side is at top allow spectator to do the counting.
175. To force a newspaper advertisement (classified) the answer to which
may appear on a slate etc., have a strip of them cut from a newspaper,
clipped apart and folded several times. One is selected and dropped into a
small drug envelope which is handed spectator for safekeeping. The ad to
be forced is in a thumb tip in vest pocket and is introduced into envelope
in opening it. In drawing out thumb the ad from inside is pulled out and
dropped into envelope. The folded paper is taken from spectator, dropped
into envelope and into the empty tip. Thumb follows and comes out
wearing tip while envelope is handed spectator. 'A facsimile of the ad
may then be made to appear on a slate, etc.
176. This is a showy force that someone might make up and use to good (5 of 6) [8/28/01 10:37:21 AM]
Miscellaneous Forces-1
advantage. Twelve small white balls are shown with numbers from one to
twelve. A bag is shown and crumpled up to prove empty and then hung so
that balls can be dropped in. Balls really have half shells on eleven of
them with the different numbers and as they are shown and dropped into
bag, the shell is dropped into a back partition just inside bag and the ball
in front. Thus they are all alike when spectator reaches in for a ball.
177. A regulation handkerchief box can be used as a forcing box for slips
of paper or cards
bearing names and inscriptions. The ones to be forced are in between flap
and side of box. The
genuine slips or cards are dropped into box and, upon flap being dropped,
box is held over
spectator's head while he reaches in and selects one.
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Miscellaneous Forces-2
202 Methods of Forcing
Theodore Annemann
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178. For those who have the regular style changing bag, this handkerchief
selection routine may prove of value. Three handkerchiefs are shown and
we shall call them red, white and blue. The spectator drops them singly
into bag held by performer and then another person reaches in and draws
out one. Immediately the performer dumps the bag inside out and the
remaining two handkerchiefs drop out. Yet the one selected was forced. In
double side of bag are two handkerchiefs of color to be forced. Performer
holds bag with empty side ready. As handkerchiefs are dropped in single
he waits and when spectator picks up the force color, he changes sides
and this one hank is dropped with the other two of same color. The
selection is then made from this side and of color no other color can be
selected. Then after selection bag is changed over again and the other two
hanks dumped out.
179. The old changing canister which has been used for years to change a
handkerchief for burning is a useful adjunct especially for small
numbered balls or marbles. Mention can be made of the Chinese lottery,
etc. The differently numbered balls are dropped in and shaken up with
much gusto and noise. In the act of doing this the change is worked and
the can held over a spectator's hand when the top is again removed. One
and only one marble is allowed to fall out and of course it falls because it
is the only one in that side! No duplicates are needed at all as only one
drops out and the rest can be heard shaking inside, even though they can't
get out.
180. A neat and simple but sure color force for two colors is through use
of the rolling pencil used and sold as a gambling item. It really is a regular
pencil and, having been subjected to a little preparation which is not
detectable, becomes dynamite. It is a hexagon pencil with each of the (1 of 5) [8/28/01 10:37:25 AM]
Miscellaneous Forces-2
sides alternating the two colors. It is merely rolled on any hard surface
and the color on the top side is always forced. If the point of pencil is to
the left it is one color and if point is to the right it is the other. Strictly a
gambling item but a sure force.
181. Another method for this effect is to have slips written upon and
collected as before. In performer's pocket be has a duplicate slip written
on with name or color to be forced and in a thumb tip. Any spectator now
chooses a paper and lays it on performer's left hand. The right hand has
meanwhile secured the thumb tip with paper under ball of thumb and
comes over apparently to take paper from left band. It rests on paper in
left palm and left fingers close over it. Right thumb comes out drawing
paper from tip and it is handed to a spectator on right to read as left
pockets tip and paper underneath. It looks merely as though slips was
handed performer and that he picked it from left hand with right and
handed to spectator to read.
182. A sure way of deciding which of two people shall be used in an
effect, for instance if they each have a deck, etc., is to take a small handful
of ordinary matches, break them and throwing them on table have each
pick up on piece at a time alternately, the one getting the last piece being
selected. This is a cute dodge as the person who starts will always lose
due to the fact that breaking any unknown number of matches in two
merely results in an even number of pieces.
183. I've known and used the above ruse for a long time and only lately
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