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expect you to drop this soon, and he was trying to take care of some stuff
before his time off to be home with you.
I know I cried, and again with the whole no pride, not caring thing. I
wanted him there, the way he d been there for Mark, assuring me everything
was okay, and his strength there to comfort me.
The evening progressed, the vet and Qhan and Mark talking and Mark
deliberately not translating everything for me. During one break in the
agony-ecstasy dynamic, I caught Mark s eye. Tell me, I gasped.
He looked worried, and I didn t like that. This isn t uncommon, Dale.
It s okay.
I stared at him, pleading with my eyes because I couldn t spare another
He took a deep breath and leaned in, his lips by my ear. You re okay.
Remember, I told you they have a very high egg mortality. Four of mine
either came too early or weren t viable when delivered. I was the exception,
not the rule, that my first time went perfectly. It s okay. He stroked my
head and kissed me. You ll be okay. They have to wait for the connective
tissue between the egg and you to either let go on its own or lengthen and
thin enough from the drop process that you can push the egg out and they
can sever it.
The hours passed as my sanity slipped. There were never more than a
few minutes of respite as my body struggled to deal with the situation. What
little lucid time I had was spent crying or screaming while Mark did his best
to soothe me.
All I wanted was Master.
What tiny little bit of reason remained within me understood why Mark
had picked Master over me the night of his drop because I wanted Master,
84 Tymber Dalton
his strength, his comfort. I knew Mark was doing his best and understood
my agony, but it wasn t enough.
I needed Master.
It was late in the night, or maybe early morning, when a heated
argument between Mark, the vet, and Qhan erupted. Whatever it was,
apparently Mark and even Qhan stood fast against the vet. Mark started to
yell when I heard the front door open and slam and Master frantically
calling out for us.
I sobbed with relief. He d fix everything. Whatever it was that the vet
wanted to do and Mark objected to, Master would fix it.
Voices hushed as the three men updated Master. He knelt in front of me,
and all I could do was cry with relief that he was there. He kissed me,
making those soothing noises to me, and whispered, Love Kal. Dolmo.
Mark knelt beside him. That means sorry. He s sorry he didn t get here
Mark had a hurried, hushed conversation with Master, fast, desperation
threading through Mark s tone. Pleading. Master went quiet, then nodded
and said something firm-sounding to the vet.
Mark moved behind me as Qhan brought Master a chair so he could sit
at my head. He held my manacled left hand and rested his head beside me
on the frame, whispering to me in Algonquan. I didn t understand a word of
it, but his tone comforted me.
I felt Mark s gentle hands doing something, pressing, easing against my
ass, but I was such a bundle of raw nerve endings I didn t know what for
sure he was doing. Okay, Dale, baby, I need you to push for me. Hard.
I can t, I gasped. I was too exhausted, wrung out.
You have to. His tone turned stern. You need to do it for me, baby.
You have to push. You can do it.
I cried as another wave of pain hit me. When I came back out of it, he
yelled at me. Now, Dale! You have to help me. Push, goddammit!
I took a deep breath and tried, but I couldn t manage much before
another wave of pain hit me. When the pleasure faded, the pain still
lingered, a background curtain distorting my world.
Again. Push, hard as you can. I thought I felt something, maybe his
hand slip inside me. I cried out at the different kind of pain.
Acquainted with the Night 85
That s good, he said. That was real good, baby. Just hold on. I m
going to fix this for you. I realized both his hands were inside me. I could
feel them working, doing something.
The vet s voice had changed from his previous know-it-all tone to
amazed. He asked Mark something. Mark snapped back at him, silencing
the vet.
A sudden, sharp pain sent my vision red and made me scream, followed
immediately by& the most blissful lack of sensation. No pain, no orgasm.
Then reality slammed back into me. The pain was still there, but had
suddenly retreated to a completely manageable level of discomfort.
Mark removed one hand from me. Okay, baby. Push for me.
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