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aren t they?
Seems that way. Ma always liked it down this way. It s sure a lot
nicer than the outback mining towns we lived in most of my
That s right. Frank mentioned he used to work in mining. Kelsey
picked up her wine and took a long sip.
Yeah. Not much excitement in those towns for a teenager, at least I
never thought so. I took off as soon as I secured an apprenticeship in
Mackay, stayed there until I finished and then he made a movement
like an aircraft in flight I decided to see the some of the world.
Have you seen enough of it yet? Kelsey asked curiously. He
sounded just like Genevieve always looking for the next interesting
place to visit, a whole host of new people to meet. No moss gathered on
her sister either.
KD just shrugged. That remains to be seen, I suppose.
Ever think of moving here? Why had she asked that?
His laugh made her regret her question even more. Oh, my mother
would love that, but it s never appealed. I prefer moving around,
All the better not to get tied down, Kelsey deduced. She d known it
already that he lived like a nomad. He hadn t visited Holly Hill once in
the past two years. He had probably only come now because of Frank s
heart attack. Hearing him confirm it though, had a peculiar effect on her
heart. It sank. Suddenly she felt very, very tired.
Born Again Virgin
What had she been thinking? That one look at her and KD might
change his mind about settling down with a good woman? Please. She
wouldn t want that anyway. He was so far removed from the type of man
she saw as a permanent fixture in her life that it wasn t funny. And
despite tonight s letdown, she still had Stefan Henley in her sights.
Stefan. Goodness, she d forgotten all about him.
That was delicious. Thanks. KD had finished his steak and was now
leaning against the backrest of his chair. She hadn t finished hers, but
she d had as much as she wanted. Of food. And nothing else was on the
No problem. She stood to collect the plates. A wave of dizziness hit
and she swayed, clutching the table edge for support.
KD was beside her in a split second, gently easing her back into her
chair. Kelsey giggled. You don t have to treat me like your grandmother,
Believe me, you don t remind me of anyone s grandmother. Why
don t you sit and let me clear the table?
A man a macho, man s man at that who offered to clear the table?
She was hardly going to knock back that offer. She spread her hands
wide. Be my guest. I ll just sit here, have another glass of wine and enjoy
the night air.
She moved to pick up the half-empty bottle, but KD grabbed it first,
holding it out of reach. I think you ought to slow down on this stuff.
Because, Miss Simmons. He smiled. You re a little drunk.
Oh, that. Kelsey flopped back in her chair and pushed out a sigh. I
think, since we ve shared a meal and all now, you should start calling me
Leaning over the table, hands flat on the surface, he looked at her
steadily with those dreamy blue eyes. She went all warm inside, from
more than the wine. It would be so easy to tilt her head and offer her
lips, urge him to kiss her. So easy and so good and so very, very wrong.
Sami Lee
I ll be right back. KD cleared the dishes without a further word and
disappeared inside.
Kelsey closed her eyes and rested her head on her crossed arms.
What was she doing, thinking about kissing KD? Was she nuts, as well
as intoxicated?
Here, drink this.
Lifting her head with a start, Kelsey saw a mug of steaming black
coffee in front of her and wondered how it had gotten there. Did I fall
Seems that way. He took his seat again and drank from his own
mug. He surveyed her face with those keen eyes. Want to talk about why
you re in such a drinking mood?
She lifted a careless shoulder and sipped her coffee. Black and
strong, no sugar. As if he had known how she liked it. Her eyes flicked
back to him. Tell me what it means when a man doesn t want to be
alone with a woman.
If it s with you? He s gay.
His unequivocal tone made her laugh.
You think I m joking?
Her gaze strayed back to him. He simply continued to look at her,
steady and sure. His question wasn t rhetorical and Kelsey shook her
head. But Stefan s not.
If that s true, he s mighty stupid.
Wrong again. Kelsey leapt to Stefan s defense. He has a degree in
town planning and a masters in political science. He s a very intelligent
KD put his mug down and leaned forward to drill her with a hard
expression. A piece of paper is no measure of a person s intelligence,
It was the first time he had said her name since she had suggested
he do so. Kelsey gulped, wishing she had never extended the offer. It
sounded bone-shiveringly good on his lips.
Born Again Virgin
Neither can it be dismissed as a factor. Although what he said was
true after all, she had no degree and didn t think herself the lesser for
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