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on Geoffrey, and if possible, his eyes widened even more.
Zander stepped closer to Abbott and focused on Juarez, his
face flushing. You used me.
For which I do regret, Juarez replied. My wife is
human, but our bond is incomplete because we are not fated
mates, he admitted. I keep her alive with my blood, but
because of that, I do not draw complete sustenance from her.
I must supplement it. You He grimaced and shrugged.
You were lonely. I thought I could give you comfort. I
didn t know of the guilt you felt. I am sorry.
Jimmy knew the vampire was sincere. He wasn t a mean
man by nature, but love made one do odd things at times.
Glancing at his own mate, Jimmy finally understood what he
hadn t all those years ago. Still, it didn t matter. He loved
Charlie Richards
Logan, and no longer cared about lovers from the past, even
if they did appear in his present or even his future.
He mentally grinned at his admission, even if he d made
it only to himself. How long would he have to wait until he
could tell his human mate? If he said something that very
evening would he scare Logan away? That week? That
month? Humans could grow pensive about the oddest
things, and they hadn t been together all that long. Hell, he
didn t even know if Logan planned to stay once he d healed.
Jimmy decided to play it by ear.
Still, he couldn t wait until he could get a clean bill of
health from Doctor Perseus. There were so many things he
wanted to do with his lover.
Restitution from His Mate
Chapter Eleven
ogan paced the room. James was expected back from his
doctor s appointment within the hour. He was just
finishing up at Perseus makeshift office, set up at Aaric and
Crain s place. Crossing the small living room over and over,
he tried to decide if he had the guts to go through with his
A snickering Crain had already called and told him that it
was a go.
All Logan had to do was get up the nerve to follow
through with his plans. Just as he turned to make another
pass, Logan heard his cell phone beep. Within seconds,
before he could even reach it, it beeped again. He picked up
the device, swiped the screen to open it, and smirked at
what he saw.
Two text messages.
Tapping the screen, Logan opened the first, from
Go get em, tiger!
Logan smiled at his friend s words. The second text came
from Marty. His best friend was a little more forceful.
Get your ass in gear and just do it. You know you want to.
Everything else will fall into place.
Shaking his head, Logan chuckled. His friends were right.
He needed to get his ass in gear and go after what he
wanted& and that was James Noleander.
Charlie Richards
Logan shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed the
throw blanket off the back of the sofa. Next, he went to the
bedroom and picked up the lube from the nightstand. He
shoved it into his pocket, then grabbed one more item from
his duffel bag& a little something from Raymond. When the
little gargoyle had heard one of the wolf shifters in the area
was his mate, he d over-nighted a package containing a few
happy mating gifts. Even while Logan shoved the small
pouch into his back pocket, his face flushed with
Damn, never thought I d use one of these.
Finally, Logan wrote a short note Follow my scent. I m out
hiking and taped it to the front door. Circling the small
structure, he started hiking into the woods. It took Logan an
hour and a half to reach the clearing beside the stream, but
when he saw the area Aaric had given him directions to,
Logan knew it was perfect.
The twilight illuminated the area beautifully, making the
water cascading over the rocks seem to twinkle. The green of
the grass appeared far darker than what Logan knew they
were. Even the deepening pink and purple hues streaking
across the sky seemed more& well, just more.
God, I m turning into a fucking sap. Get on with it, Logan.
After finishing his internal smack upside the head, Logan
did just that. He strode through the grass and stopped five
feet away from the stream. Spreading out the blanket, he
tossed the lube and the small drawstring pouch onto it, then
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