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chairs, a little more whimsical fifties memorabilia on the walls album covers, movie posters,
even an old Schwinn bicycle suspended from the ceiling. The effect was fun and upbeat.
There were maybe half a dozen people scattered about, chatting and munching on onion
rings or curly fries. The person who caught his eye, though, was a curvy brunette, tucked into a
corner booth by herself, her nose buried in a paperback. There was a soda in front of her, but no
plate or food debris.
Zach couldn t resist. He d been drawn to her at the picnic, and he still felt the magnetic
pull here today. Hat in his hands, he strode up and grinned at Laney Burroughs. Mind if I join
She jumped and hurriedly stuffed her book under the table. Huh?
A grin twitched at his lips. Poor thing was embarrassed about being spotted reading a
He gestured to the empty seat across from her. Looks like you haven t eaten yet. I
thought maybe you wouldn t mind some company.
Oh sure. She pushed a pair of wire-rimmed glasses up on her nose. Zach, right?
Yes, ma am, Zach Shannon. And you re Laney the librarian. She blushed so prettily, he
couldn t resist the gentle teasing. Her name had stuck with him for some reason. And so had her
face cute more than elegant, but warm and pretty, with her turned up nose, pink cheeks and big
brown eyes. Zach slid into the booth across from her and set his hat on the bench beside him.
Guilty. Her slight giggle was a little breathy. Her eyes lit on the badge pinned to his
chest. And you re Deputy Shannon or is it Senior Deputy?
Detective, actually. I talked my dad down from the serious nepotism. I was an MP and
did some intelligence work, so this much I ve earned. He wasn t sure why he wanted her to
know that he was capable of making his own way, but it seemed important somehow.
The redhead who d been talking to Laney at Miss Mamie s barbecue came out with a
plate in her hand and a glass of water in the other. She set the sandwich in front of Laney and
handed Zach the glass.
Laney, everything okay?
Of course. Again, she looked startled, as if she couldn t imagine what her friend was
talking about. Andrea, you remember Zach Shannon, don t you? Zach, Andrea moved here
from Houston about two years ago and bought the Dine-n-Dash.
Zach figured there was more to that story than met the eye. He shook her hand, noting the
wary expression on her pointed, foxy face. Based on the way her eyes narrowed as she studied
Zach, she was also extremely protective of her friend, which earned her points in Zach s book.
Is the super-bacon-cheeseburger special still on the menu? The Dine-n-Dash s jumbo
burger plate had been a memory he d carried in his mind while eating prepackaged rations and
whatever else he d been stuck with. And a strawberry shake.
The redhead lifted one eyebrow but nodded. One heart-attack special coming up. She
sauntered away, her slim hips wiggling seductively.
Zach wasn t sure why he didn t watch her walk. Instead, he turned back to Laney. So,
do you enjoy being a librarian?
Laney knew she was blushing. Despite her dark complexion, courtesy of her Mexican
grandmother, she blushed easily and it showed. Why on Earth was the hottest man in Hawthorne
sitting here chatting with her? It s the only thing I ever really wanted to do. I love books all
kinds, despite what you just caught me reading.
Hey, there s nothing wrong with a little escapism now and then. I actually saw plenty of
grown men reading those in the Army. Romances, westerns, even comic books. Anything to
remind you of softness and home or get your mind off reality for a little while. His grayish-blue
eyes regarded her steadily from under sandy-brown lashes.
That makes sense. Miss Mamie heads up a drive every year to collect used paperbacks
to send to the troops overseas. I guess I just assumed it would be the women reading the
I recall getting one of Miss Mamie s boxes. She also fills them up with homemade
oatmeal cookies. Makes her one popular lady. Hell, half the men in my unit would marry her on
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